14. Book What Is an Indian: Youth and Night Life
When we hear the term Night Life, most of us visualize people dancing crazily after getting drunk. Well this is dark aspect of night life which is unfortunately engulfing youth of every county. In ideal words night life should mean that an individual can move freely in night like day. He does not face any limitations associated with security, food, fun etc. But with the most common mindset, only fun with ‘Sinister Attributes’ are correlated with night life. Further security becomes a challenge and concern when people no longer remain in their senses[1]. Most of the personal vendetta is picked up during ‘night life’.
Night life, the term seemed to be coined in West, to throw away loads of surplus affluence down the drain[2]. The outlets of such money are factors responsible for ever diminishing morals like alcoholism, drugs, gambling, casual ‘sexual encounters’ etc for fun. Indulgence in such activities can even take ugly turns such as violence, murders or rapes especially during ‘Night Life’. Same trends can be seen in Indian Society in last few decades considering the fact that Indians were unaware of this term over centuries. Many argue ‘Night Life’ is about freedom but I ask what good is freedom which engulfs an individual in indissoluble space of bad habits.
An Indian who used to be at his best sleeping early, waking up at dawn, offering his gratitude to God and then getting ready to take on challenges to happily carry out his duties has almost extinct as if he has become an endangered species. Such an Indian was balanced physically, mentally and spiritually. He used to live his life as if he was under ‘eternal bliss’. But with night life the diabolic tendencies have grown stronger and have taken precedence over angelic thoughts. Though dark cannot hide light forever but the quality of life in this transient phase continue to fall. I have heard many saying that ‘some city sucks’ since it does not have a good night life[3]. So, Indian youth have begun to become victim of self-made web by surrendering to lower states which only gratify limited senses but can leave unhealed scars forever
[1] There have been lots of incidents in US where people have lost sanity after being drunk. They became mob just going on rampage causing destruction to property and sometimes even life causalities.
[2] Just want to emphasize surplus affluence cannot be earned with shear hard work or honesty. In India atleast I don’t see middle class people crazy about night life. If individuals would have been satisfied with just limited wealth then there would have never been ‘illegal channels’ from where such money is generated.
[3] The part of world which invented term night life also believes that only vampires and evil move around in night.
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