9. Salok Bhagat Kabeer Ji Ke: 2 - Ang 1364 Dhan Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Devotee Kabeer Ji was considered of lowerly caste by people of his time. He was taunted and would have been made to realize his social class every moment of his life by world. An ordinary man would have grown angry and might have used this anger to take revenge on world. He would have become rebel. But Kabeer Ji seemed to ignored it and drowned himself in chanting and meditating on The Creator. He reached such pinnacle in spirituality that social class became meaningless. In fact he is thankful to Lord to bless him with social class which helped him to attune to The Lord. The words, Shabad, of Kabeer Ji teaches us: Social class is myth and the bigger myth is only people of special class holds right to chant The Creator, A man is known by his actions not by social class, Blissful is human soul which attunes to The Creator and such individuals just nullify rotten beliefs of society, If social class does not inspire an individual to remember Lord then it is worthless... Let us...